random encounters with beautiful souls

It has been a while since I have traveled. Yes- I moved across the country to live in Jackson, WY and I have had some amazing adventures since.. BUT- I am talking about really traveling. The kind of traveling where you are living out of your backpack for months at a time, experiencing new places and people everywhere you go, and truly living day by day. Even with all of the beautiful landscapes I have seen, things I have experienced, food I have tasted…it is the random connections I made along the way that I miss.

I’m not talking about romance or career connections…I am talking about connections that go deeper and further into your heart and soul. I am talking about the people you meet in your life that amaze you. The people that spark something you didn’t know existed. The people who have incredible skills, unbelievable stories, and the heart of a lion. Yeah yeah we all meet great people who we get along with, have decent conversation with, socialize with, exercise with…but of all the connections I have made in my life, very few have been as unique as the ones I have made while in a distant place.

A lot of this has to do with the concept that when you are traveling, you are out of your comfort zone. You are in the unknown, and you have to force yourself to be outgoing, friendly, and receptive. Not only this, but you are far more likely to strike up a conversation when you have no where to be and no one to go home to. You meet people when you feel like the world is yours. You meet people when you are wild, free, and adventurous.

I like to think that during times of traveling, I have become the best version of myself. Perhaps this is why I feel that I have made some of the best connections. I mean, I know that the people I am attracted to the most are confident, happy, independent, and curious.

In the last year or so I have begun to feel a need for something more. I kept trying to fill that space with romance, lust, physical touch, whatever you want to call it. Recently, I realized that this is far from what I want or need. I miss connecting. I miss connecting with someone and sharing stories and talents and laughter. And….who would have known that you don’t need a romantic relationship to find this! WHOA!

New interactions, fresh friendships, random story telling, smiles exchanged on the street. These interactions are what fuel my heart, and feed my soul. The interactions that stem from curiosity and energy – the energy that only emits from those who have dreams to follow, stories to tell, and kindness to spread. These connections are what make life interesting. These connections are what make life the adventure that it is meant to be.

The world has so much to offer, and I want to make sure I learn everything I can while I’m here.

What sparked this entire thought was a recent interaction I had with a talented 19yr old I bumped into after seeing play a couple weeks prior. It reminded me that there is crazy talent out there, and a lot of people with a story to tell. If you want some good energy and a fresh new voice, check out Hank Allen – show his music some love because on any given day you   could be hearing it on the radio.

Cheers to new adventures and beautiful souls. Let people in and help them on their journey. After all, you never know when you’ll need a helping hand.





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